What is it?

Azure is a public cloud computing platform—including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) that can be used for services such as analytics, virtual computing, storage, networking, and more. Microsoft Azure refers to Microsoft Cloud- Azure was announced back in 2008, released on February 2010 as Windows Azure, and was renamed as Microsoft Azure in March 2014

What are the benfits?

IaaS benefits your organization in building , deploying, and managing apps in a quick and easier way. You can launch the website or create a web app and maintain the infrastructure by customizing the cloud software.

Azure is also fast in terms of deployment, operation, and in terms of scaling up. This gives you a distinct advantage if you were to switch to Azure. Being the most up to date cloud technology, the infrastructure and applications can be made more agile.

How can we help?

Well, you’re in luck!

Here at spiderweb we can talk to you about cloud migration as well as windows upgrades, just send us an email ( support@spiderwebsystems.com) outlining what you need help with and we’ll give you some recommendations to suit your needs.